Saturday Questions… for Undina on the Blog’s 13th Anniversary

Since earlier this week Undina’s Looking Glass turned 13, I decided to do something different for this Saturday Question post.

Below is a 13-question self-interview, after which I invite you to answer in comments any of the questions that you feel are relevant to you (some of them are just for me, but others could be valid for my readers), ask me any questions if you happen to have them, or just join me in celebrating my blog’s 13th Anniversary.

Saturday Question 13th Anniversary Edition

1. When you started this blog, did you expect to be writing this post?

I don’t remember specifically thinking about my plans, but I know that back then I wouldn’t have been surprised had anybody told me I’d keep this space alive for the next 15 years and beyond.

2. Do you have any regrets about the current state of the blog?

I do. I don’t have the time and energy to publish stories regularly. The “Saturday Question” series is the only commitment I’m trying not to break. I realize that my readers are doing just fine without additional posts. But I wish my life would return to the state where I could do it at least once a month – especially since I have what to write about.

3. How did your “no-buy” go last year?

Surprisingly, it went well. For the first 6 months of 2023, I spent on perfume $5: I bought a sample of Parfumes Quartana’s Ierofante. In the second half of the year, I bought one full bottle and several samples from my visit to the ZGO Perfumery and Le Labo boutique in September – that’s it.

Perfume Samples

4. What was the last perfume you bought?

Tauerville’s When We Cuddle And I Can Smell Your Perfume On My Clothes. After it came up as “My Answer” in two different Saturday Question posts (Do You Like Skin Scents? and What Is Your Most Calming Perfume?), and I complained in both how I missed getting it when it was available, I just had to pounce once it was re-released as another limited edition (even though it was almost twice more expensive than the first release).

Rusty And Tauerville When We Cuddle And I Can Smell Your Perfume On My Clothes

5. Why are there fewer photos of Rusty on the blog?

While I publish fewer new perfume-related posts in general, which creates fewer opportunities for me to showcase Rusty, sadly, it’s not the only reason. Recently, Rusty was not feeling well. I will not go into details (it’s too depressing for a celebratory post) but just say that we are actively fighting for each extra month we can have him around. With his age and illness, Rusty has become much less energetic or curious, so it is much harder to interest him in what I am doing with a bottle of perfume or prompt him to jump to the sideboard or table where I am doing that. But he still has good days, and I try to snatch as many pictures of him as possible. And since most of them do not feature perfumes, I post them daily on my Instagram.

Rusty On My Lap

6. How large is your perfume collection?

For years, I didn’t feel right divulging the number of bottles I had. I’m not sure why: I don’t think it’s excessive for my hobby, it’s not the largest collection I know of, and I like most of the perfumes that I bought myself. To tell you the truth, I didn’t know the exact number of full bottles in my collection: counting full bottles didn’t make much sense since I have probably twice as many travel bottles and decants that I bought or swapped to wear.

But for this post, I decided to dig up some data from my database. So, not even touching other sizes, I have 123 full-sized (30ml +) bottles of perfumes that I still like and wear and 14 bottles that I liked and bought at some point but am not sure now if I still want to wear them. I still might. Another 14 are almost empty bottles from my pre-perfumista times that I do not use but keep tucked away for sentimental value. The last 13 bottles were gifted to me or came as a part of the set I bought for just one of the items. I wouldn’t have bought them myself (or for themselves, in case of sets), but some of them are lovely, and I use them because they were a gift. So, not counting “old flames,” my collection holds 150 full [at some point in the past] bottles.

7. Do you plan to downsize?

As of now, I’m not sure I have anything I’m ready to part with. But, in general, I think I should. Setting aside the issue of not having enough shelf space to hold any more perfumes, I really didn’t like the feeling of choice paralysis I experienced last year. Using a self-made perfume Advent Calendar helped in December, so I reused that approach again in January. It works! Now I plan to keep doing it this year, and in the end, I will know better which perfumes I don’t choose to wear even when I have time to think about the set for the whole month ahead.

8. What were the first perfumes in your perfume database?

Without looking into the underlying data, I would have never remembered or guessed what perfume I started it with. I can’t even remember when it happened. My best guess would be at least 15 years ago, but it might be earlier. So, this is the list of the first 13 perfumes in my database (chronologically in the order they were added):

Givenchy Amarige
I had a mini bottle. I didn’t love it, but it was fine for variety. I think I finished it (at least, I don’t have it any longer).

Lancome Miracle
I had a bottle. I almost finished it, and I have a mini of this perfume, but I haven’t worn it in 14 years since I started recording my daily use.

Estee Lauder Dazzling Gold
I had several samples that I used up, but I never went for a bottle of it.

Givenchy Extravagance d’Amarige
I had a mini bottle. I think I finished it.

Annick Goutal Petite Cherie
I went through at least 2 bottles of this perfume. I still have a bottle and still like it.

Dolce & Gabbana Light Blue
I had a sample. I don’t think I’ve ever finished it.

I still have the remaining 10% in my second bottle. After a 12+ year hiatus, I wore it again a couple of years ago and still found it pleasant.

Hugo Boss Deep Red
I finished a couple of bottles, have a bottle gifted to me by Vanessa (Bonkers About Perfume) and still like and wear it periodically.

YSL Baby Doll
I loved this perfume and went through almost two bottles. Unfortunately, the second one turned on me before I could finish it, and the reformulated version available at the time wasn’t as wonderful as I thought the original one was.

Guerlain Champs Elysees
That was my first bottle, pre-”bug spray” comment from my co-worker. Since then I acquired another bottle, but I haven’t worn it in almost 8 years. Probably I should check if my bottle is still good.

Estee Lauder Pleasures Intense
I think I had a sample… It says a lot about how I felt/feel about it.

Calvin Klein Eternity Rose Blush
I somehow got this sample, tried and didn’t like it.

Issey Miyake Le Feu Light
I liked it and went through a small bottle. By the time my bottle was almost done (I think I still have it somewhere with a couple of drops in it), this perfume was discontinued.

9. Can you estimate how many perfumes you tried over the years?

It’s hard to think of a realistic number: between 1993 (when perfumes became more easily available where I lived then) and 2010 (when I started my database), I was sniffing and testing one way or the other all mass-market perfumes I could get to in department stores, Duty-Free shops and catalogs (mostly, Yves Rocher, but probably some Avon as well). My estimate would be 350-400 perfumes. As of today, I have 2,113 perfumes in my database. These are perfumes that touched my skin at least once. Additionally, over the years I think I tried on the skin (at stores) but didn’t record another 100 and gave a nozzle sniff or a paper strip test to another 1,000 perfumes.

This brings me to the total estimate of approximately 3,200 perfumes that I at least smelled during my life.

10. What are your Top 13 Perfumes?

As for most of us, this type of list changes often, but as of today, these are my favorites (in alphabetical order to avoid ranking):

Amouage Dia
Amouage Ubar
Chanel №19 EDT
Giorgio Armani La Femme Bleue
Guerlain Cruel Gardénia
Jo Malone Sweet Milk
J-Scent Yuzu
Krigler Lieber Gustav 14
Lancome Climat
Les Parfums de Rosine Rose d’Amour
Ormonde Jayne Ta’if
Teo Cabanel Alahine
Tom Ford Fleur de Chine

11. Does your vSO (very significant other) read your posts?

Nope. He subscribed to updates, but I don’t think he makes it to any of the posts more often than once a year. But he’s very supportive of my hobby: he never once complained about the size of my collection; he patiently tolerates my sniffing rounds both domestically and when we travel (and even provides his skin for testing more masculine offerings); and he listens to all the stories about perfumes, perfumers, bloggers and anything else I throw at him. And he allows me to spray him with perfume of my choice (from his collection) 9 out of 10 times I ask.

12. What are your favorite stories over the years?

I thought it would be quite appropriate to name 13 stories from the previous years. Some of them saw a lot of attention from my readers at the time. Others went under the radar. But each of them was special for me for one reason or another.

First, a bunch of posts with the strongest emotional connection between my past and perfumes:

First Love: Perfume
The very first post on this blog about my all-time perfume love.

First Love: Love
Perfume connected to my first childhood romantic relationship.

“Here’s a photo I’ve been looking for…”: Sweet Milk by Jo Malone
Childhood memories – sweet and bitter-sweet – that preconditioned my love to this perfume.

Angel of Jealousy
I’ve never felt like that about any other perfume.

A Fairy Tale Ending, Perfumista-style
A heartwarming story of perfumistas kindness and support at one of the hardest times in my life.

A couple of lighter posts:

“Oh, TOES!! (for some people)” or Where to Apply Perfumes
I still smile every time I see that title (or remember the scene it referenced).

Tu-ti-tu-rum-tu-tu or Musical Perfume
A concoction of anecdotal stories, music, jokes and a cute cat picture.

lebaB fo rewoT or Found in Translation
Joys of multilingual experiences and strange perfume names (actual or perceived).

In the Search for the Perfect Lavender
Lavender and Terminator-2: in this post, I managed to build a connection between these two.

Déjà vu, Episode 3: powdery fruit vs. peony oriental vs. sandalwood jasmine
For a while, I was obsessed with several well-known perfumes smelling very similar.

Posts with “literary whiff”:

My First Perfume Review: Puredistance Antonia
My scheherazade-esque frame story about this perfume.

Everything Is Relative
I think it’s my only fiction story on this blog.

The Royal Nonesuch of Perfume
One of my most negative posts about perfume.

I’m also somewhat proud of movie-posters’-based illustrations I made for my posts (though, I wasn’t sure at the time whether anybody else had made that connection):

In a separate category, not counted towards perfume-related favorite posts, are all the stories about Rusty and everything that led to him appearing in my life.

13. What are your plans for this blog?

I plan to keep going as long as it brings me joy, I can find what to write about and have at least a few people to communicate with in comments.

35 thoughts on “Saturday Questions… for Undina on the Blog’s 13th Anniversary

  1. What a fantastic, evocative post! I re read some of your older posts that are referenced, and I wanted to say I think perfume people are the kindest people anywhere. I went through a rough patch years ago, and managed to meet a friend who is no longer with us. I’ll never ever forget her kindness and when I use the things she gave me it comforts me. I just wish I had trusted myself a little more, and commented on all the beautiful blogs I was reading-including this one, Portia’s, and Bonkers about Perfume. I could have been having interesting conversations all these years :)

    Rusty-he’s the most gorgeous thing ever. He reminds me of my orange cat Marmalade, and another long haired orange cat we had when I was two-his name was Saber Tooth and he was the most loving and forgiving cat ever. My current cat Chicken will be 16 this summer-same age as Sir Rusty, I think. We will send some good thoughts and healing energy to all the members of your household.

    Thanks for still blogging-thank you for bringing a lot of joy into the lives of your readers.

    Very best regards,


    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you Carole – for the kind words and warm wishes for Rusty.

      I’m glad that you’re here now (and can re-read my old posts ;) ). And since all of the authors you mentioned are still writing, you still have a chance to have interesting conversations with them.


  2. Well done you and the happiest of blogoversarys. Even if I don’t get to comment as much as I would like to, your blog brings me so much joy, just for still being there.
    I wish that the perfume world’s most gorgeous and charismatic cat mascot will stay with you for a long time yet. I love all the Rusty posts on insta, each and every one of them. Many treats and ear scratches to your handsome boy ❤️

    I liked that your favourite perfumes have basically stayed the same for so long. I think mine have too.

    have tried to down size a little, but only with perfumes that truly never got enough wear, or if I had more than one bottle, I felt that I might not need it. Also, a few of them had gone quite a lot up in value, so it made sense to me to let go of them.

    all the best Undina and cheer to the next 13 ❤️❤️❤️🎉

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Asali. It’s great to see you here – even if it happens just once in a while.

      Rusty will get a lot of scratches and patting and some treats for all the good wishes my friends and readers send his way.

      I enjoy seeing photos of Vega on IG (and think of her every time I wear the eponymous perfume).


  3. Congratulations! Thirteen years is quite an achievement! I’m sorry that Rusty isn’t well. Our dog Lucy is aging but so far she is still quite healthy — just getting gray, and sleeping more. We got her just as I was starting to obsess about fragrance, so my hobby and she have grown up together. I’ll have to go back to Instagram, which I rarely look at, to see Rusty’s latest photos. Happy blogoversary!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations and happy anniversary. I hope you keep going for another 13. So many blogs are no more and I appreciate the time and thought that goes into posting. I don’t always have time to comment but I always read.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. And sausage fingers hit send prematurely. I hope Rusty is keeping comfortable, I hate our fur babies getting old and sick. You are so organised, keeping track of your purchases and usage. My own collection hasn’t got any sense or reason to it at all. It just is. And I’m still adding to it despite saying that I’m not buying any more bottles or decants. I’m a hopeless fool, oh well.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, cassiflower!

      Rusty seems to be enjoying life and, mostly, feels comfortable, so we’re trying to extend his being with us. But it is taxing psychologically.
      I think that as long as you enjoy getting new perfumes, and it doesn’t harm you financially, you should buy what you want. Next year or the next after it you’ll see if you want to downsize. And if not – it’s still fine!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Firstly, big congratulations on the occasion of your 13th blog anniversary. I am so glad I discovered ULG (and got to meet you IRL) – your voice is unique in the blogosphere. Very sorry though to learn of Rusty’s illness, but you can take pride in knowing that you have given him a simply fantastic life. I was also interested to read your estimate of how many perfumes you have sniffed in your life – I doubt I’d be that many, but am impressed with your tally!

    Re #11, I found this comment on our trip to Jovoy which attests to your vSO’s support of your hobby. ;)

    “I guess we must have had about half an hour browsing in there – by a happy chance there was a selection of seating for non-perfumista spouses, but Undina’s vSO ended up engaging in a bit of sampling himself, all-round good egg that he was.”

    Liked by 1 person

    • Both Rusty and we were lucky to meet each other. We’ve been enjoying his company all these years. But I want more!

      That was a great visit to Jovoy! I wish I had bought Kiki back then.


  7. Love that you have hit 13 years. I don’t take time every day to focus on perfume other than a quick spray so just the Saturday question is fine with me! (And of course Portia’s guest posts.) Always love seeing Rusty, he’s my favorite cat – if I was allowed to have one (spouse allergies) I would want one who looked like him. I have also always admired your database, thought about trying to duplicate it but then the idea of back loading just the inventory stops me. I will spend some time reading your favorite posts later – I often do searches on my favorite blogs to read about older perfumes, since I’m not one to chase the new. Thank you for sharing all of this with us!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, MMKinPA. Rusty is a great cat! Not only he’s handsome, but he has a very friendly demeanor as well.

      I hope you’ll find a little more time if I manage to write a little more often :)


  8. Congratulations!  Impressive anniversary for sure. I always enjoy your posts. I hope Rusty starts feeling better soon. I love all your photos of him. He reminds me of my sweet fluffy boy Jet, who had a glorious floofy tail like Rusty.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, rickyrebarco!

      Rusty has good days, which makes me happy. I’m trying to post a picture of him every day hoping that positive emotions he brings to more people might somehow “rub off” on him.


  9. Happy anniversary and thank you for continuing to blog! It’s a breath of fresh air in contrast to all the commercialism and fake hype elsewhere. Sending vibes for Rusty to be comfortable and remain with you as long as possible.

    I should downsize but I can’t be bothered, I’m just going to stop buying. When I die it can be tossed in a dumpster or given to whoever wants it.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Congratulations on 13 years!!! I was a latecomer but have enjoyed all your posts and the discussions since finding your blog, including some gems from the treasure trove of older posts. You have created a wonderful space for us perfume lovers. I’m sorry to hear that Rusty is not well. It is a tough phase to go through with a beloved pet. Sending love to you all. I think if I’d done a top 13 favorites, Chanel No 19 might have made it onto my list as well! J-Scent Yuzu has eluded me because at the time I tried to get a sample, it wasn’t available. Love the movie posters as well, especially the one for The Royal Nonesuch.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, NP! It’s a little sad that you came around when the perfume Blogosphere has contracted to the current state: I’m sure you would have enjoyed it 10-12 years ago. But I’m glad you are here sharing your unique vision of perfume blogging and allowing me to share my.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Well done on blogging for 13 years!!! Such an achievement. I wish I had started commenting far earlier.
    Your keeping of the database is awesome inspiring. I tried, I failed.
    I hope Rusty keeps as well as he possibly can for some time to come. He is such a soulful boy.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Sending good JuJu Rusty’s way, Undina. We seem to be sharing a 13th Blogversary this year, and wishing you all the best for the year ahead. I’ve certainly enjoyed every minute of creating mine, and reading yours. Thanks for doing what you do. We all appreciate it.

    Since we are both celebrating, I though I would list my top 13 perfumes.

    Amouage – Memoir Man
    Clive Christian – No. 1 for Men
    Comme des Garçons – Black
    Creed – Royal Delight
    Crown Perfumery – Marquis
    Diptyque – 34 Boulevard Saint Germain
    L’Artisan Parfumeur – Tea for Two
    Lubin – L’Eau Neuve-Figaro
    Maison Francis Kurkdjian – Lumière Noire Homme
    Mona di Orio- Les Nombres d’Or-Vanille
    Puredistance – M
    Serge Lutens – Cuir mauresque
    Tom Ford – Tuscan Leather

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Flaconneur!

      I can’t believe I haven’t found your blog earlier! I was always actively looking for all the active blogs. But I’m glad I found it now.
      Even though your “top” list is masculine-leaning, it contains several of my strong favorites (perfumes I own and wear): 34 Blvd, T42, MdO and Tuscan Leather, though the latter one I prefer on my vSO.

      Liked by 1 person

      • You’re welcome, Undina.

        I can’t say enough good things about 34 Boulevard Saint Germain. I have to slap my own hand from time to time from reaching for it. I could say the same about Tuscan Leather, Les Nombres d’Or-Vanille. All beautiful creations.

        I’m glad you finally found me! 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Happy 13th Anniversary, Undina! Here’s to many more! Sorry to hear about Rusty’s health. Hopefully he can remain with you, as comfortable as possible, for as long as possible. Fabulous top 13 perfumes, especially the Chanel. I need to sample that J Scent, as I’m a fan of yuzu.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, Daniel. We cherish every day with Rusty (as I type this, he’s “telling” me that he wouldn’t mind to be fed now).

      J-Scent’s Yuzu is very believable yuzu. It’s one of those perfumes that I hope to always have in my collection. Hm… should I find a backup bottle?

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Thirteen Years! It’s a great achievement for sure!

    I love your round-up of answers to questions you have been asked over the years. I may have mentioned that I found you through Arielle Shoshana and have enjoyed corresponding with you over the years.

    Here’s hoping that your blog continues and that you have many more years with dear Rusty. I enjoy seeing pictures of him on Insta and he actually still looks like a kitten!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, hajusuuri! I’m glad you found me all those years ago. It’s been a blessing to have you around!

      Rusty does look much younger than he is when he feels better. Same as with people, not being well ages cats. But I will hope for some more good days with him.


  15. Congrats on achieving 13 years of perfume blogging. I’ve enjoyed your posts over the years, and sure do miss the discussions we’d have at work when we worked together. I look forward to your Saturday questions and the vignettes you include. Hoping that at some point when life allows, you’ll have the time and energy to include additional posts beyond the weekly Saturday question. 

    Hoping that Rusty’s health will allow him to bring you and your vSO some joy. I know our fur babies our a bright spot when lifew is stressful and chaotic (unfortunately, I lost Lucy in 2021 at 17 years old).

    I was surprised to learn that your current collection of full bottles is only at 150. I would have thought you’d have more bottles. I’m at roughly 35 bottles.

    Look forward to reading ULG for many years to come.


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