Winner of Two Le Labo for Anthropologie Decants


I didn’t even realize how much easier it would be just to use numbers instead of going through the post and creating a list of names. Thank you everybody for the participation!

2 Le Labo decants Winner

The winner of the draw poodle. Please contact me over e-mail.

And for everybody else a glimpse into how Rusty spends his day while I work hard choosing winners:

Rusty And Window

20 thoughts on “Winner of Two Le Labo for Anthropologie Decants

  1. I never noticed this about Rusty before, but he has a very unique circle of darker ginger hair on his forehead that makes him look like he’s either got an upside-down peace sign or a jewel there. It sort of gives him a princely vibe (as if he needed it!). No wonder he gets to look out the window while you’re working hard picking winners, Undina. ;)


  2. Congratulations to Poodle! You’ll have to email me and tell me sometime how you get such a pretty photo/picture of the results. (Yes, I know, I’m technologically daft. lol.) As for Rusty, I’m glad he didn’t choose the winners because I don’t he’d ever settle on a poodle or German shepherd… ;) Give his belly a few scritches from me. Most of all, tell him that I think he needs to demand a throne of velvet cushions from which he can stare out at his slave as she toils away. :D


    • Rusty gets really vicious around dogs so you’re probably right: he wouldn’t have chosen poodle :)

      For now Rusty has settled for the spot onthe fridge from where he looks down on us (and sometimes even tries to bat at us with his paw.


  3. Yay! That’s the best thing that’s happened to me all week! I hope this is a sign that my luck is changing.
    I won’t hold anything against Rusty. He’s too darn cute. I’ll email you later.


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